Which Credit Card Has The Best Rewards? Which Credit Card Has The Best Rewards? Credit card companies have a way of rewarding their users. These rewards vary in many ways and users must earn them. These companies put certain conditions to the rewards and users must fulfil these conditions. In this write-up, we take a look at some of these rewards and which credit card has the best rewards. As you go through the list, you would decide which of the rewards type you would prefer. Here are a few.
Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card 0596601480
With an annual fee of USD 95.00, the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card offers up to two times the miles you have travelled as a reward each day and sometimes up to five times on amounts spent on hotels and amounts spent renting cars. These hotels and cars rented must have been booked or rented through Capital One Travel. This is what Capital One offers in addition to offering the best prices for a lot of trips.
Chase Freedom Unlimited
The Chase Freedom Unlimited Card actually prides itself as the card with the best cash-back rewards. The Chase Freedom card actually has an annual fee of zero per cent (USD 0.00) and has a lot more for its users. The card users stand to gain up to 6.5% of their cash back which they spend on drugs, and at restaurants. If within the first year of your possessing the card, you spend up to USD 20,000, the company gives a reward of up to three per cent (3%). Apart from that the company also gives a whopping 5% cash to users on Chase Travels that are bought through the Ultimate Rewards. And then lastly there is a 1.5% cash back given to users on all the other things they buy with the card.
Chase Sapphire Preferred Card
The Chase Sapphire Preferred Card has an annual fee of USD 95 and is a card for travellers. It rewards users up to USD 50 credit for usage, the card also has a reward of up to five times what has been spent on travels through the Chase Ultimate rewards. Apart from these, it also gives back up to three times whatever has been spent on dining and many more incentives. Being a travel card, users are expected to use the card more for travel expenses to be able to enjoy these rewards.
Wells Fargo Active Cash Card
Also with a zero per cent (0.00%) annual fee, this card comes with a flat rate of two per cent (2%) rewards and then many more incentives on usage. The 2% cashback is however an unlimited earning or cashback that users can earn in unlimited multiples. This is a visa card used by travellers too.
Chase Freedom Flex
This card gives as much as five per cent (5%) cash back on up to every USD 1,500 that is spent on various purchases made as bonuses in each quarter of a year that you stay as an active user of the card. There is also an additional three per cent (3%) that you get on whatever you spend on dining and in drugstores. Lastly, you get back another one per cent (1%) on all other expenditures that you make.
Discover it Cash Back
This particular “Discover” card gives back as much as five per cent (5%) to users every single day with purchases that are made on different kinds of expenditures within each quarter of the year. Its rewards are very broad, and cover expenditures made from as wide as Amazon, groceries, restaurants, gas stations and many more. The moment the card is activated you start getting these rewards, also you can get another one per cent (1%) on all other expenditures, not in the bracket of purchases the company has listed.
Blue Cash Preferred Card from American Express
This American Express card has an annual fee of zero per cent (0%) only for the first year and then after that, it attracts an annual fee of USD 95.00.
This card gives back as much as a whopping six per cent (6%) of how much has been spent to the user. The card unlike others is not for a niche market but has broad usage. Users get to be rewarded for using the card to make purchases in American supermarkets for up to six thousand dollars (USD 6,000) within a year. Also, there is another six per cent (6%) that you get when you use the card to subscribe to various online streams. The rewards of this card stretch to a wide spectrum of users including gas stations, usage for bus fees, trains, and even the toll. The card users are however to note that there are terms and conditions that apply and you might want to find out more.
With these, you can make a choice of choosing which card has the best rewards for you.
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